Steadily wonky
Pop into any supermarket and head to the fruit and vegetable isle. Take a second to observe the carrots: each one the right colour, the right shape, all nice and clean. Just as we have come to expect.
But not all carrots look like that. Sometimes they are wonky, misshapen. Sometimes stumpy. Sometimes long and dangly. But they are living things, they grow at different rates, affected by environment and conditions.
However, at the end of the day, a wonky carrot is still a carrot. Sure, it may look a bit odd, but it will still taste great in a stew. Or cut into little carroty sticks.
That’s the thing, growth doesn’t always happen the way we think it should. And the end result of the process may look totally different from what we initially expected.
It’s the same for this business. The journey to launch has been wildly different to how I imagined it - slower, more complicated, and greatly affected by things outwith my control.
That’s ok. ‘Cause a wonky carrot is still a carrot. And my wonky business idea is still a business idea.
Yeah it’s taking longer than expected. Yeah it looks slightly different from what I first imagined. But it’s growing steadily wonky. And I can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s plucked from the proverbial ground.